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  • Exclusive dedication to hair transplantation.
    Brazil’s pioneer in fue megasessions
    world reference in advanced baldness ans secondary surgeries

    Dr. Márcio Crisóstomo

    Surgery Center

    Hair transplantation is a surgery like others and needs to be performed in a safe and appropriate environment for this purpose.

    Dr. Márcio Crisóstomo, in more than 20 years of surgical experience, has operated and visited several hospitals and clinics, in Brazil and abroad, collected the ideas and details that make the difference in performing this surgery with maximum safety and precision, contributing to better results.

    The result of this accumulated experience was the thorough design of one of the most modern surgical centers specialized in hair transplantation.

    Team and Nursing

    Hair transplantation is a surgery that depends essentially on the surgical team.

    After the initial training of Dr. Márcio Crisóstomo, at Clínica Ivo Pitanguy, he followed several paths in his specialization in hair transplantation.

    During his specialization he trained his entire team consisting of:

    • Anesthetists;
    • Dermatologist and plastic surgeon who assist in surgeries and can even conduct team surgeries in our structure, following the principles of Dr. Crisóstomo; Dermatologists specializing in hair and scalp to monitor the postoperative period;
    • Nurse who coordinates the activities of the operating room;
    • Instrumentalists trained in the use of microscopes, preparation of follicular units and assistance to surgeons in their implantation, both by the FUE technique and in the Classic Technique (Strip or FUT).

    ALL team members have been trained internally to follow standardized conduct and the method improved by Dr. Crisóstomo over the past two decades. Some members of the team have been in it all this time.

    Structure and Differential

    Our own surgical block was developed using all the materials used in the best hospitals in the country, as an appropriate hospital floor, following all the rules of the health authorities.

    Three individual suites with electric hospital bed with all position controls, TV, sofa bed for companions, nursing call, supply of medical gases and monitoring, in addition, of course, accessibility.

    Surgery Rooms

    The operating room is the main environment of the operating room, where your surgery will be performed.
    It must contain all safety equipment, which is the most important factor to be observed.

    • LED spotlights with light intensity control and color temperature control, for more accurate tissue identification;
    • Electric surgical stretcher with all movements to increase patient and team comfort;
    • Continuous monitoring;
    • Specific stereoscopic microscopes for use in hair transplantation;
    • Work benches developed by our team to increase ergonomics, in addition to special chairs with support for greater precision;
    • 4K definition screen, integrated with cameras in the surgical procedure, where the planning of each surgery is indicated and discussed with the entire team.
    • Laminar flow air conditioning with HEPA filters, as recommended by the operating room regulations. This provides a higher level of security;
    • LED work lighting and blue light for greater patient comfort before and after surgery.

    In addition, our rooms have communication with the outside to increase the feeling of well-being.

    This environment was programmed to provide the best and safest experience for the patient and to offer comfort and ergonomics for the team to focus on offering the best and most accurate craftsmanship.


    The anesthesia of a hair transplant is only local and, in the routine of our team, associated with mild venous sedation so that the patient has a

    For safe anesthesia, our rooms are equipped with continuous monitoring of the patient’s vital signs (oximetry, blood pressure, heart rate and heart rate monitoring with continuous cardiogram, temperature), and anesthesia trolleys with capacity even for general anesthesia (although this is not our case, the entire safety back-up is there).

    Central supply of medicinal gases (oxygen and compressed air).

    Own generator with capacity to supply, in case of lack of supply, energy for ALL the Institute.

    An emergency event is very rare in a low-risk surgery such as hair transplantation, with local anesthesia, but we have all the training and staff prepared for any of these:

    Defibrillator with fully equipped emergency cart and with all the medications indicated for an eventual emergency, in addition to the entire trained nursing team certified in basic life support.

    Our Institute follows all the guidelines of the Fire Department and we even have our own fire brigade team, with signs and escape routes.


    A safe environment that provides maximum discretion

    With the inauguration of our own surgical block, with a hospital structure and used exclusively for hair transplants, we started a new stage of our professional life, with the aim of offering more security, comfort and privacy for our patients. our patients.

    Márcio Crisóstomo


    Dr. Márcio Crisóstomo spoke about the opening of the surgical center in the 34th edition of the Insider Magazine of Balada In

    Márcio Crisóstomo commented on the new surgical block of the Crisóstomo Institute, since its initial project, inspirations, architecture and all the security that this new space has.

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    Scientific Agenda


    27th World Congress of Hair…


    Bangkok – Tailândia

    Graduated in Surgical Leadership from…

    Boston – EUA

    24th World Congress of Dermatology


    Milão – Itália

    23rd International Meeting of the…


    Rio de Janeiro – Brasil

    10º Annual Congress of Association…


    Indore – Índia

    IMCAS World Congress


    Paris – França

    Anos Anteriores


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    Scientific publications

    Much of a doctor’s work can be assessed by his new ideas and contributions to his specialty.

    These contributions translate into publications in specialized scientific journals and books that take the knowledge to other professionals.

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    Know some results of Dr. Crisóstomo and his team

    International Recommendations

    Medical Societies and Titles

    Sociedades Médicas

    Harvard Medical School – Surgical Leadershp Program 2018-2019

    Sociedades Médicas

    Diplomate of the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery – Title of Specialist in Hair Restoration Surgery Issued in the United States

    Sociedades Médicas

    Founding member of the ISHRS FUE Research Committee

    Sociedades Médicas

    Fellow (FISHRS) Member of the scientific committee organizing the world congresses of 2015 (Chicago) and 2016 (Las Vegas)

    Sociedades Médicas

    Medical Association of Portugal

    Sociedades Médicas

    Specialist and Full Member of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery Monograph on Hair Transplantation

    Sociedades Médicas

    Master in Surgery at UFC Dissertation in Hair Transplant Preceptor of the Plastic Surgery Service for 5 years

    Sociedades Médicas

    Brazilian Association of Hair Restoration Surgery Since the first conference Organizer of the workshop “Controversies in Current Hair Transplantation”, Fortaleza / 2016

    Sociedades Médicas

    European Society of Hair Restoration Surgery


    See in full
    the magazines of
    Institute Crisóstomo

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    Dr. Márcio Crisóstomo

    Service Locations

    • Fortaleza CE
    • São Paulo SP
    • Lisboa Portugal
    • Brasília DF
    • São Luís MA
    • Recife PE
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    Dr. Márcio Crisóstomo
  • Address

    R. Leonardo Mota, 2429 – Dionísio Torres

    Fortaleza – CE, 60170-176

  • Phones

    + 55 85 3032.2020
    + 55 85 99667.3335

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    + 55 85 3032.2020 . 0800.005.1020

  • Tratamento Acne

    A acne é uma doença extremamente comum, que leva muitos pacientes ao consultório médico em busca de alguma solução, especialmente por conta do desconforto estético. Acne é o nome dado a espinhas e cravos que surgem devido a um processo inflamatório das glândulas sebáceas e dos folículos pilosebáceos. É muito frequente na adolescência, mas sem deixar de ser comum também em adultos, principalmente em mulheres.

    Hormônios sexuais, que começam a ser produzidos na puberdade, são os principais responsáveis pelas alterações das características da pele, assim como pelo surgimento da acne, que também está associado à genética favorável. As lesões aparecem com mais frequência na face, mas também podem ocorrer nas costas, ombros e peito.
    Os sintomas principais são: comedões (cravos), pústulas (espinhas), nódulos e cistos (lesões inflamadas, mais profundas e que podem deixar cicatrizes).

    Alguns fatores podem levar a piora da acne como situações de estresse ou período menstrual. Certos medicamentos como corticóides, vitaminas do complexo B, exposição exagerada ao sol, e o hábito de mexer nas lesões também pioram o quadro.

    O tratamento vai variar de acordo com a gravidade e a localização, e deve ser iniciado o mais precoce possível para evitar problemas psicológicos, maior dano estético e formação de cicatrizes. Pode ser feito com medicações tópicas (aplicadas na pele) ou sistêmicas. Procedimentos como Peelings Químicos, LEDs (light emitting diode) e alguns tipos de lasers também são utilizados para controle das lesões inflamatórias e melhora das manchinhas e cicatrizes.