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    O Dr Márcio Crisóstomo possui um programa de imersão internacional em transplante capilar e dermatologia do cabelo há mais de 10 anos.

    Já recebeu colegas cirurgiões plásticos de diversos países.











    Designed for developers and operators

    Provision and deploy to your cluster in minutes


    Develop and iterate more rapidly with easy application deployment, release updates, and management of your apps and services.

    Resource Efficiency

    Develop and iterate more rapidly with easy application deployment, release updates, and management of your apps and services.

    Streamline Operations

    Develop and iterate more rapidly with easy application deployment, release updates, and management of your apps and services.

    High Availability

    Develop and iterate more rapidly with easy application deployment, release updates, and management of your apps and services.


    Develop and iterate more rapidly with easy application deployment, release updates, and management of your apps and services.


    Develop and iterate more rapidly with easy application deployment, release updates, and management of your apps and services.

    Start fast with Our Service 1-Click Apps

    deploy, scale, and manage the services that power your applications. From authentication to message queues to custom app logic.


    Designed for developers and operators

    deploy, scale, and manage the services that power your applications. From authentication to message queues to custom app logic.

    Start fast with Our Service 1-Click Apps

    deploy, scale, and manage the services that power your applications. From authentication to message queues to custom app logic.


    Designed for developers and operators

    deploy, scale, and manage the services that power your applications. From authentication to message queues to custom app logic.


    What People Say

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    Jon Bakken
    "Vestibulum morbi blandit cursus risus at ultrices. Tristique sollicitudin nibh sit amet! Siverra lectus mauris ultrices eros in. Eget egestas purus viverra accumsan in nisl nulla nisi scelerisque sed risus ultricies!"
    Andrea Velle
    "Vestibulum morbi blandit cursus risus at ultrices. Tristique sollicitudin nibh sit amet! Siverra lectus mauris ultrices eros in. Eget egestas purus viverra accumsan in nisl nulla nisi scelerisque sed risus ultricies!"
    Elle Aasen
    "Vestibulum morbi blandit cursus risus at ultrices. Tristique sollicitudin nibh sit amet! Siverra lectus mauris ultrices eros in. Eget egestas purus viverra accumsan in nisl nulla nisi scelerisque sed risus ultricies!"
    Isa Holmgren

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Everything you need is included

    Our Optimized WordPress Hosting is on VPS servers, meaning our users have full root access to the virtual instances. Our support technicians ensure that the servers are online and available to the user at all times.
    WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin that is primarily used for selling products or services online. Regardless if your products are digital or physical, WooCommerce makes it easy to build an online store that is customized specifically to your business needs.
    WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin that is primarily used for selling products or services online. Regardless if your products are digital or physical, WooCommerce makes it easy to build an online store that is customized specifically to your business needs.
    WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin that is primarily used for selling products or services online. Regardless if your products are digital or physical, WooCommerce makes it easy to build an online store that is customized specifically to your business needs.
    Our Optimized WordPress Hosting is on VPS servers, meaning our users have full root access to the virtual instances. Our support technicians ensure that the servers are online and available to the user at all times.
    WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin that is primarily used for selling products or services online. Regardless if your products are digital or physical, WooCommerce makes it easy to build an online store that is customized specifically to your business needs.
    WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin that is primarily used for selling products or services online. Regardless if your products are digital or physical, WooCommerce makes it easy to build an online store that is customized specifically to your business needs.
    WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin that is primarily used for selling products or services online. Regardless if your products are digital or physical, WooCommerce makes it easy to build an online store that is customized specifically to your business needs.

    Tratamento Acne

    A acne é uma doença extremamente comum, que leva muitos pacientes ao consultório médico em busca de alguma solução, especialmente por conta do desconforto estético. Acne é o nome dado a espinhas e cravos que surgem devido a um processo inflamatório das glândulas sebáceas e dos folículos pilosebáceos. É muito frequente na adolescência, mas sem deixar de ser comum também em adultos, principalmente em mulheres.

    Hormônios sexuais, que começam a ser produzidos na puberdade, são os principais responsáveis pelas alterações das características da pele, assim como pelo surgimento da acne, que também está associado à genética favorável. As lesões aparecem com mais frequência na face, mas também podem ocorrer nas costas, ombros e peito.
    Os sintomas principais são: comedões (cravos), pústulas (espinhas), nódulos e cistos (lesões inflamadas, mais profundas e que podem deixar cicatrizes).

    Alguns fatores podem levar a piora da acne como situações de estresse ou período menstrual. Certos medicamentos como corticóides, vitaminas do complexo B, exposição exagerada ao sol, e o hábito de mexer nas lesões também pioram o quadro.

    O tratamento vai variar de acordo com a gravidade e a localização, e deve ser iniciado o mais precoce possível para evitar problemas psicológicos, maior dano estético e formação de cicatrizes. Pode ser feito com medicações tópicas (aplicadas na pele) ou sistêmicas. Procedimentos como Peelings Químicos, LEDs (light emitting diode) e alguns tipos de lasers também são utilizados para controle das lesões inflamatórias e melhora das manchinhas e cicatrizes.